Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Living the dream Part 2 - Bololand expands with a second piece of land

Solstice greetings beloved brothers and sisters :)

Two months have passed since we settled on the new community Bololand and a lot has happened!! We can say we found ourselves in a true community since day 1. With the exceptional enthusiam of the local Bolo'ers and the generosity of the universe supporting each step so far, we have shifted this dream into a reality that is growing and deepening every day. 

We have build up a fence around the property to protect it from wild animals, dug a well, started the organic spiral garden and a the star fish garden, composted every organic material, sorted out plastics, and much more. We are energy independant since day 3 of our arrival (with a wind turbine & solar panels). Our community is an international group of people, 1 sheep, and 2 chickens since yesterday. Yesterday, the village chief gifted Aida, the co founder of Bolo, a beautiful han that layed its first egg in Attilio's (permaculturist) front pocket where he was holding the chicken while building a home for the new tenant. 

We wake up each morning with the song of the colourful birds, the rising sun, and invite the universe to play with us. We are truely building a Co-operation that is so functional and performant due to the passion and drive of each person involved in the building of this sustainable community. In an organic way, bolo'ers are initiating projects and offering help in the areas they have the most skills in, resulting in a very high contribution in the overall growth and expansion of Bolo. This is the new way we welcome, an invitation for each one of us to be the unique piece of the puzzle that we are so we can complete the whole picture together like the name of the community indicates (Bolo means Together in Senegalese). 

As from yesterday, Bolo-land expanded with a second land, & which, by the grace of the universe, was bordering the north east part of the property. Yihaaaa!!!!! Another thing to be grateful for during this solstice and new moon. 

Last night we had Bolo's first new moon/solstice circle around the fire to give thanks and appreciation for what has manifested in such a short time. We took the oppurtunity during the new moon ceremony to feed our dreams by setting our intentions for the coming seasons and year. This is a powerful creation methodology to set up your intention at the new moon and give gratitude at the full moon. It is a simple way to give direction to the universe on what we want to experiment in life and to give gratitude for all that has been manifested already. 

May we all experience a peaceful Earth populated by sustainable, loving and abundant communities!


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Tour on Bololand Sustainable Community Senegal - Part 1
Rural life
Welcome to BoloLand
Bololand - Well drill by percussion
Facing millet crop

Lady Kasse is the local coordinator of Bolo developments. She surprises us with a generous donation to set up a fence. Love you Mama Africa
Local Transport 

Skylight ceiling room :)
Community ground

Single building on the property - Bolo wind turbine

Acacia Tree is an ancient tree that acts as natural fertilizer. Crop around grows stronger
and with more nutrients. Many acacia on Bololand
Village house with thatched "Cases"
Colorful native weed 
Young Palm trees - a cousin of Coconut tree
Enjoying a break with on site roosted peanuts and Senegalese green tea and mint "Ataya"
First "Ataya" on arrival at  Dakar

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Magical Moon At Bolo - Photos Nov 3

Enjoy the view - much love

Millet Harvest at Bolo

In rural Senegal, Millet is the most consumed cereal. Today is the first day of the Muslim year. Happy new year!!! A delicious meal is prepared for this celebration based on millet. We make couscous (Senegalese) out of millet and prepared a sauce with different flavors depending on the family tradition and preferences. I enjoyed the special couscous for the muslim year-end yesterday night. We feel blessed with the extreme kindness and hospitality of the community and family around. Bolo is expanding rapidly thanks to the local network. Namaste
Just harvested Millet
 Bolo Millet and camping area
Millet Harvesting

 Millet Harvesting
Attilio, Bolo permaculturist exploring ancient method of harvesting mono crop millet

Much love 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Bolo Lovable Loo Design

Stepping into Sustainable living one step at the time

Bolo initiated a simple, effective and easy to reproduce compost toilet. Bolo owns now 2 eco friendly and comfortable lovable Loo bringing us closer to positive (not only zero) ecological foot print. Having a permaculture designer on the Bololand from the beginning is such a blessing for Bolo. Thanks Attilio!

We journey to the city of Diourbel and clean the floor of a timber man to collect sew dust which is used in the Lovable Loo for a good composting. Sew dust contains carbon which works perfectly with nitrogen in composting and acts as odor neutralizer. I hope I gave the right explanation I got from the Permaculture specialist. Lol!! My apologies otherwise..

Much love from this ancient and loving land of Bolo <3

Tale Of Bolo - Fairies created an organic NURSERY
After 2 consecutive days of rain out of the regular season, we woke up on 2 separate beds of hibiscus sprouts. The 2 beds were in a circular shape. I regret I didn't take pictures the first day. We were amazed! During the second night of rain, Attillio, Bolo permaculturist runs out in the heavy rain with a hand full of hibiscus seeds from the harvest on Bololand last year and spread it on the millet growing area. It couldn't be so fast to see the sprouts the morning after. Though here we were with plenty of hibiscus sprouts just on the community living area which would be the last place to expect such apparition. We did not seed the area where it was growing. We move the sprout to a better suited location and one of the beds (on picture) keeps on sprouting in a beautiful circle. We decided to put stones around and observe what would happen. today, we consider the Fairies offers us the first Bolo nursery. With the nursery taking shape every day more, our neighbor villagers ask what project was going on. We explain it and they confirm the have dropped seed around this area one day long before we move on the land. They couldn't explain though how beautifully arranged the nursery was.
We are adding mulch and different seeds and are observing what the fairies have in plan. This is for us a divine participation to show whoever set the intention of sustainability will have the universe conspires to bring it into manifestation. It may sound crazy to some but nothing seems as difficult as we would have anticipated it with the launch of this new paradigm of sustainable living. We are living the dream already. We have free energy and have never experienced power outage while the cities experiment several a day. We are sleeping under the clear sky every night by choice in what a friend called a "5 billions stars hotel". It may be more stars than that but... Lol!!!
I personally believe the new energy is so supporting and loving that fairies and all the elemental work with us at this stage for a rapid and fun transformation of this beautiful Gaia.
Bolo Fairies Hibiscus Nursery
May the fairies assist you in all you do! Much love

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Window on Bolo - Permaculture specialist Attilio waking up on Bololand

Saturday, October 4, 2014

BOLO Ecovillage Senegal Goes Life

We intended to launch Bolo in September and so it was! LoL. The universe conspires to make it a reality. We were able to book the first tier travel to Senegal, bringing us ever closer to stepping into the reality of our dream of seeding earth with harmonious and self sustained communities. The Bolo experience has started and will be one of the thousands prosperous communities to come.Bolo intends also to contribute in creating a border less planet. This is manifested through the diversity of the launch group coming from different continents. 

May the New Earth Communities that are proliferating this beautiful Gaia be the embodiment of our Oneness!!!

Having moved from planning to execution brings a different level of excitement. Wow!!! The time of stepping into what we want has finally arrived! The first tier will be on the land in Senegal by October 15 with camping gear. The means of this adventure are basic: a land, a basic building with shower and toilet, a well, few tents and a HUGE MOTIVATION of soft souls believing in the power of co creation. So realistic and though we tempt often to seek for complex solutions :) 

In the excitement of the new energy of building intentional and sustainable communities, we take a moment to give thanks and gratitude to ourselves and to all of humankind for, we all have contributed in this evolution. Namaste brothers and sisters <3

The big adventure of our journey back home is taking shape in physicality. Like we needed to exit density and reconnect with spirit and our dream world to re emerge in balance at zero point. Zero point is the domain of infinite possibilities. When any group with cohesive vision starts creating a community that matches their vision, Earth would step on an open field of creations. Nothing needs to be done as it used to be. For instance Bolo debated long on how to ensure accommodation during the building phase. After investigated all "old avenues", we came back to the simplest solution that is not traditional: sleep under tents on the land. Tents have more advantages that the concrete buildings in the warm savannah of Africa: cooler at night - keep bugs out - easy setup & removable. From the zero point onwards, we use our gift of ‘free will’ to direct our life, make conscious choices. All is potential waiting to be activated into the flavors of your choosing. By relocating on Bolo land, we are giving motion to the field of endless opportunities to support the path of high excitement we choose to follow. With a clear vision and a common focus, we are embarking on Bolo Boat, navigating the unknown waters of freedom as sovereign children of God and fueled by the abundant and freely available pulse of our heart religion, the religion of Love, Joy and Peace.   

Much Love - Diatou