Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Living the dream Part 2 - Bololand expands with a second piece of land

Solstice greetings beloved brothers and sisters :)

Two months have passed since we settled on the new community Bololand and a lot has happened!! We can say we found ourselves in a true community since day 1. With the exceptional enthusiam of the local Bolo'ers and the generosity of the universe supporting each step so far, we have shifted this dream into a reality that is growing and deepening every day. 

We have build up a fence around the property to protect it from wild animals, dug a well, started the organic spiral garden and a the star fish garden, composted every organic material, sorted out plastics, and much more. We are energy independant since day 3 of our arrival (with a wind turbine & solar panels). Our community is an international group of people, 1 sheep, and 2 chickens since yesterday. Yesterday, the village chief gifted Aida, the co founder of Bolo, a beautiful han that layed its first egg in Attilio's (permaculturist) front pocket where he was holding the chicken while building a home for the new tenant. 

We wake up each morning with the song of the colourful birds, the rising sun, and invite the universe to play with us. We are truely building a Co-operation that is so functional and performant due to the passion and drive of each person involved in the building of this sustainable community. In an organic way, bolo'ers are initiating projects and offering help in the areas they have the most skills in, resulting in a very high contribution in the overall growth and expansion of Bolo. This is the new way we welcome, an invitation for each one of us to be the unique piece of the puzzle that we are so we can complete the whole picture together like the name of the community indicates (Bolo means Together in Senegalese). 

As from yesterday, Bolo-land expanded with a second land, & which, by the grace of the universe, was bordering the north east part of the property. Yihaaaa!!!!! Another thing to be grateful for during this solstice and new moon. 

Last night we had Bolo's first new moon/solstice circle around the fire to give thanks and appreciation for what has manifested in such a short time. We took the oppurtunity during the new moon ceremony to feed our dreams by setting our intentions for the coming seasons and year. This is a powerful creation methodology to set up your intention at the new moon and give gratitude at the full moon. It is a simple way to give direction to the universe on what we want to experiment in life and to give gratitude for all that has been manifested already. 

May we all experience a peaceful Earth populated by sustainable, loving and abundant communities!
