Sunday, October 26, 2014

Window on Bolo - Permaculture specialist Attilio waking up on Bololand

Saturday, October 4, 2014

BOLO Ecovillage Senegal Goes Life

We intended to launch Bolo in September and so it was! LoL. The universe conspires to make it a reality. We were able to book the first tier travel to Senegal, bringing us ever closer to stepping into the reality of our dream of seeding earth with harmonious and self sustained communities. The Bolo experience has started and will be one of the thousands prosperous communities to come.Bolo intends also to contribute in creating a border less planet. This is manifested through the diversity of the launch group coming from different continents. 

May the New Earth Communities that are proliferating this beautiful Gaia be the embodiment of our Oneness!!!

Having moved from planning to execution brings a different level of excitement. Wow!!! The time of stepping into what we want has finally arrived! The first tier will be on the land in Senegal by October 15 with camping gear. The means of this adventure are basic: a land, a basic building with shower and toilet, a well, few tents and a HUGE MOTIVATION of soft souls believing in the power of co creation. So realistic and though we tempt often to seek for complex solutions :) 

In the excitement of the new energy of building intentional and sustainable communities, we take a moment to give thanks and gratitude to ourselves and to all of humankind for, we all have contributed in this evolution. Namaste brothers and sisters <3

The big adventure of our journey back home is taking shape in physicality. Like we needed to exit density and reconnect with spirit and our dream world to re emerge in balance at zero point. Zero point is the domain of infinite possibilities. When any group with cohesive vision starts creating a community that matches their vision, Earth would step on an open field of creations. Nothing needs to be done as it used to be. For instance Bolo debated long on how to ensure accommodation during the building phase. After investigated all "old avenues", we came back to the simplest solution that is not traditional: sleep under tents on the land. Tents have more advantages that the concrete buildings in the warm savannah of Africa: cooler at night - keep bugs out - easy setup & removable. From the zero point onwards, we use our gift of ‘free will’ to direct our life, make conscious choices. All is potential waiting to be activated into the flavors of your choosing. By relocating on Bolo land, we are giving motion to the field of endless opportunities to support the path of high excitement we choose to follow. With a clear vision and a common focus, we are embarking on Bolo Boat, navigating the unknown waters of freedom as sovereign children of God and fueled by the abundant and freely available pulse of our heart religion, the religion of Love, Joy and Peace.   

Much Love - Diatou